When you wake up in the morning till the time you go to sleep, what you choose to put in your body matters. That means healthy food choices like diets rich in vegetables, fruits and lean proteins can make all the difference for your health, from moods, energy level and supporting your immune function—especially as we age. On top of all of this research shows that eating a heart healthy diet also supports healthy hearing as well!

How an Unhealthy Diet Affects Our Hearing

It may seem like a stretch at first, but what we eat affects our hearing health. To understand the connection, it’s important to understand how we hear. Our ears collect sound and hearing actually happens in the brain. Our ears achieve this via tiny hair-like cells called stereocilia. Stereocilia convert audio vibrations into electrical impulses and are extremely fragile. They can be damaged due to loud sound, exposure to certain chemicals, impact to the head or ear infection. These cells rely on a healthy supply of oxygenated blood in order to stay strong and healthy. When issues with blood supply such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension or diabetes are present it can weaken the cells of the inner ear, making them more prone to damage when exposed to other factors.

Studies Examining How Eating Healthy Reduces Risk of Hearing Loss

Many studies have drawn a conclusion between a heart healthy diet and lower rates of hearing loss. In a 2029 study published by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, researchers examined data from 3,135 women who participated in the Nurses’ Health Study II from 2012 to 2018. The study included information about diet as well as hearing exams. At the beginning of the study hearing was tested and then again after 3 years.

Surprisingly the researchers found that the women who had a poor diet were up to 30% less likely to develop hearing loss compared to women who made healthy choices around what they ate overall! “The benefits of adherence to healthful dietary patterns have been associated with numerous positive health outcomes and eating a healthy diet may also help reduce the risk of hearing loss,” explains lead author Sharon Curhan, MD.

What Is a Healthy Diet?

So what should we avoid and what foods should be prioritized. A few diets were recommended by the study leaders which prioritized vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains while avoiding added fats and salts as well as sugars. The diets identified were the alternate Mediterranean diet (AMED), the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), and the 2010 Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI-2010).

  • The AMED diet, based on a diet of people surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, focuses on fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes while insisting on plenty of fish and olive oil.
  • The Dash diet is used to help people lower their blood pressure, it also prioritizes fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish while encouraging people to stay away from excessive salt, sugar, and fat.
  • The AHEI-2010 diet consists of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with some fish and lean meat such as poultry. This diet also limits sugar and salt.

Whole Foods for Your Whole Health

Of course, diet is just one part of the puzzle when it comes to staying healthy from your head down to your toes. Hearing loss is a permanent condition which can affect mood, mobility, cognitive health and personal safety for you and others. It’s important to do what we can to prevent it now. Of course, if it does become an issue we recommend addressing the issue right away. The most common treatment for hearing loss are hearing aids. These tiny digital devices sit in or around your ear canal and amplify the sounds we need to hear. This can make it so we can follow conversations with greater ease, make stronger connections and are more likely to try new things. With hearing aids you’ll not only be likely to be more social but more active as well which is essential for overall health.

Schedule a Hearing Exam

If you suspect that you have a hearing loss, don’t wait! Schedule a hearing exam with us today and we can take care of all your hearing needs.