Hearing aids are essential for many people that experience hearing loss and offer an effective way to improve their hearing. Being without your hearing aids can be a significant issue, especially when you have grown used to all the benefits hearing aids provide. One of the most common reasons people are without hearing aids is when they require a repair.

Hearing aid repairs can vary from simple fixes performed by your audiologist to more extensive repairs that require your hearing aids to be sent away. Whether your hearing aid needs a significant repair or just minor repair work carried out, it can still be an inconvenience you could do without. 

To reduce the chances of your hearing aids needing to be repaired, it is a wise idea to understand the leading causes of hearing aid damage. Understanding how hearing aids can become damaged will help you know how to reduce the chances of hearing aid repairs and keep your hearing aids performing effectively for longer. 

When you wear your hearing aids every day, it can be easy to forget just how delicate these sophisticated pieces of technology are. Hearing aids are made of many parts, some you can easily see and others encased within the hearing aid itself. Treating your hearing aids with care will help to reduce the chances of them needing a repair. Here are some tips to help prevent hearing aid repairs:

Look after them carefully

To look after your hearing aids, you will need to keep them clean and prevent them from receiving unnecessary wear and tear. Keeping your hearing aids clean will play a big part in keeping them working well. Removing any debris or earwax from your hearing aids is essential to prevent them from becoming blocked and damage caused to the microphone or ports. 

You can clean your hearing aids by wiping them over with a clean, dry cloth each day, taking care to remove any visible debris. A wax pick is also a helpful tool you can use for carefully removing wax build-up.

Avoid contact with water and moisture

Very few hearing aids are designed to withstand contact with water. Water and excessive moisture can cause severe damage to your hearing aids, leaving them in need of repair or replacement. You should always remove hearing aids before taking a bath, showering or swimming. It is also wise to avoid hearing aids coming into contact with makeup and hairsprays to prevent any spilling onto them and causing issues.

Moisture can also be bad for hearing aids, so you will need to take care around steam, such as in a sauna.

Store them safely when not in use

When you take hearing aids out, it is crucial to store them safely. It is far easier for your hearing aids to become damaged when you are not wearing them. They can easily become dropped or knocked over or even stepped on, so taking extra care by storing them safely should reduce the need for repairs.