Everyday Activities That Could Harm Your Hearing.jpg

Hearing loss is often associated with older adults, but did you know that rates of hearing loss among teenagers and children are on the rise as well?

Hearing loss is currently the third most frequent medical problem in the United States. According to the World Health Organization, 1.1 billion young people are in danger of permanent hearing damage due to frequent exposure to loud noise. Noise-induced hearing loss could result as a result of this.

You might be startled to learn that certain sounds we consider commonplace might cause irreversible hearing loss.


Hearing Loss Caused by Noise


Noise-induced hearing loss, unlike presbycusis (age-related hearing loss), can strike anyone at any moment. It could also be acquired over time through repeated exposure. 

Noise-induced hearing loss can also occur due to a single incident, such as being exposed to a loud level of sound, such as a gunshot or fireworks. Hearing professionals believe that long-term exposure to sounds at 85 dB or above can result in permanent hearing loss.

In this article, we look at five typical everyday noises that can cause irreversible hearing loss.


1. Playing music through stereo speakers

Did you realize that the volume of your home audio speakers may rival that of a live rock concert? According to hearing professionals, home stereo speakers at high volume can reach 110 to 140 decibels, significantly above the safe zone. The decibels become more dangerous when you're in a close location. Even though speakers are better than earbuds or headphones, you risk damaging your hearing if they are turned up too loudly.

Follow the 60-60 rule when listening to music, as recommended by hearing professionals. They suggest exercising at 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes every day. Take frequent breaks to give your ears a rest if you wish to listen to music for longer.

2. Home DIY

Whether you're doing a DIY project at home or working in the construction industry, prolonged exposure to power tools can cause lifelong hearing loss. The noise of a stalled construction vehicle engine is 85 dB — picture working alongside one for eight hours with power tools and no hearing protection! Your hearing may be permanently damaged as a result of this.

Whether you're on the job or a hobbyist, hearing specialists advocate wearing personalized ear protection. The harmful decibels that would otherwise cause permanent hearing damage are blocked by custom ear protection.

3. Motorcycle riding

Motorcycles, like ambulance sirens, have a very high decibel level. Bespoke ear protection (along with your helmet) should be considered if you ride a motorcycle. A long-distance motorbike excursion without hearing protection could result in lifelong hearing loss.

4. Using earphones to listen to music

Earbuds linked into a smartphone or tablet are a typical sight among both young and old these days. Earbuds are convenient because they are compact and portable. On the other hand, the usage of earphones is one of the primary causes of hearing loss among younger people.

The proximity of earphones to your eardrums results in a decibel increase, regardless of loudness. Furthermore, earbuds don't perform an excellent job of blocking out other noise; thus, while listening to the audio on earbuds, individuals tend to turn up the volume. 

5. Outdoor events

Whether it's sports or a rock concert, seeing events in person is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. At the same time, these gatherings are notoriously noisy. Between the sounds coming from the speakers and the roar of the fans, noise levels might range from 110 to 140 decibels. Again, even one minute of exposure to these levels of noise can cause irreversible hearing loss.


What to do if you think you're losing your hearing

Hearing loss is becoming increasingly prevalent. Contact us today if you suspect you are experiencing changes in your hearing. We offer comprehensive hearing examinations to help you understand your hearing abilities and have a range of treatments available to help you reconnect with your loved ones.