Are you experiencing hearing loss? Should you speak to an audiologist about your hearing? It’s a good idea to try and understand a little more about hearing loss to help you make the right call.
While your audiologist can definitely help you with your own personal hearing, these are some of the most frequently asked questions about hearing loss, as well as detailed information for your knowledge.

What Causes Hearing Loss?

There can be a range of factors that lead to hearing loss. One of the main causes is aging or even genetics. Over time, hearing can deteriorate. But at the same time, exposure to loud noises can be a contributing factor too.
Then there’s also the idea of earwax or other forms of blockage. They can cause a form of hearing loss, although this doesn’t always tend to be permanent. Sometimes, hearing loss could be linked to a medical condition too. So it’s best to speak to a professional if you’re concerned about this.

What Are The Common Symptoms?

It’s said that around 17 percent of Americans (that’s 36 million) experience hearing loss. But how do you know? Some of the most common symptoms include always asking people to repeat themselves, struggling to hold conversations in loud places, and mishearing words.
Sometimes you may find that you think lots of people mumble or others are telling you to turn the television down. Even hearing someone on the phone can seem hard. Then there’s also the idea of having a ringing sensation in your ears.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should speak to your audiologist.

Are There Different Degrees Of Hearing Loss?

When you have a hearing evaluation, it will shed more light on your hearing loss. But it might help you to know that there are different levels of hearing loss;

  • Mild: It can be hard for you to hear in loud spaces but manageable in quieter places.
  • Moderate: It’s hard to hold a conversation in groups; you may also turn your TV up to hear too.
  • Moderate-Severe: Being in a group is challenging and hearing speech is very hard to do.
  • Severe: You cannot hear a normal conversation, sometimes not even shouting.
  • Profound: Only extremely loud sounds can be heard, if at all.

Will Hearing Loss Be The Same In Each Ear?

It’s most common to have hearing loss in both ears, but you can experience it in just one. That being said, your audiologist will be able to diagnose your hearing loss and let you know what type of hearing aid you will need.

Will It Worsen Over Time?

This is only going to be something that your audiologist can confirm, so it’s important to consult them. But most people will experience hearing loss that does depreciate over time due to it being age or genetics-related.

Are you experiencing hearing loss? Reach out today to find out more about it, what we can do. Our skilled and experienced audiologists are here to help.